1964 CHEAR in Peru with W. McNeil Lowry
Theodore Roszak was invited to participate at the CHEAR conference in Lima, Peru.
W. McNeil Lowry, Vice President of the Ford Foundation, friend, and collector of Theodore Roszak's work also spoke on behalf of the arts at the conference.
"The sixth annual conference of the Council on Higher Education in the American Republics (CHEAR) was held in Lima, Peru, in February 1964 to consider special projects and plans in agricultural education, teacher education, and the training of university administrators. North and Latin American university presidents and rectors also discussed the arts and education and the university and its responsibility to the community. CHEAR is an IIE (International Institute for Education) administered program financed jointly by the Carnegie Corporation and the Ford Foundation as a means of initiating and implementing co-operative programs of education in the Western Hemisphere."
[Institute of International Education, Annual Report, 1964].

Theodore Roszak in Machu Picchu, Peru

W. McNeil Lowry and Theodore Roszak in Machu Picchu, Peru
"Sculptor Theodore Roszak called him [W. McNeil Lowry] a "grand orchestrator", a phrase suggesting capacity and role rather than manipulation. Anyone who manages well, whatever he is called, must have a bias toward "creating alternatives, working with possibilities, facing uncertainty, and guiding one's actions by the rational assessment of probabilities." Perhaps an artist behaves in similar fashion up until the moment when his material hardens, and then he must leave that decision, or piece of work, and face up to possibilities again, now broadened because of past achievement. This style is not limited to business executives. All good managers are creative, whatever their own fashion, being what the architect Eero Saarinen called "form givers." " [Joan Simpson Burns, "The Awkward Embrace",p.32]

McNeil Lowry and Theodore Roszak Landing in Peru

Theodore Roszak