1922-28 Studies in Chicago and New York
1922 Attends evening classes at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago
1924 Graduates from high school and becomes a full-time day student at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
1926 Travels to New York. Studies briefly with Charles Hawthorne at the National Academy of Design, then begins private instruction with George Luks. Enrolls in philosophy classes at Columbia University.
1927-28 Resumes studies at the Art Institute of Chicago with John Norton. Awarded a Post-Graduate Scholarship from 1927-1929. Awarded an American Traveling Fellowship which enables him to visit museums on the east coast and to practice lithography in Woodstock, NY.
1928 Appointed full-time instructor of drawing and lithography at the Art Institute of Chicago. He was dedicated to teaching the arts throughout his career.
American Travelling Fellowship
Trebilcock Award for Painting
Award for Lithography
O. Goodman Award
Post-Graduate Scholarship
Mural for Goodman Theatre
Award of Silver Medal for oil painting exhibited at World's Fair, Poznan Poland.
Post-Graduate Scholarship
Anna Louise Raymond European Traveling Fellowship

Chicago Art Institute Scholarship Recipients
Work-Study scholarships were awarded to select students. Here recipients are posing with brooms since they were responsible for cleaning and maintenance.
Theodore Roszak was awarded many scholarships; he is located on the bottom right row.