"Every beginning requires of me a new orientation…" TR (Motive, May 1959)

"The new content, as it appears in modern art, is shaped organically out of an evolution of forms that have a corresponding bearing upon historic necessity for us today. It arises painfully, yet naturally, out of heaps of fragments and experiments that result from decades of accumulated 'visual ideas.' It emerges out of a plethora of plastic elements that belong entirely to our contemporary vocabulary, visually revealing bones, nerves and senses as well as man's varied state of being. Considered in this light, sculpture emerges as a language of visual content in space…not as an 'act' sufficient unto itself, nor as a repository for the 'object' either lost or found-- but as an unequivocal statement charged to fulfill man's awaked sense of his inner reality, upon whose threshold of affirmation stands delineated--a new image." TR ("The Artists Say", Art Voices, Spring Edition 1965.)

"What I am trying to do is understand the large, legendary and mythical content, wherever such content can give rise to bringing forth a visual idea. My chief purpose, however, is to accrue a sufficient sense of the great mythological content of the world and portray it in such a way that it will become common experience wherever it is seen. In other word, it will be as commonly acceptable to the Indian and the Chinese as it will to the Navajo Indian or the Chinese in any large city in America. This common ground, when once understood, will be shared, and once it is shared, I think it will go a long way towards breaking down what we still suffer in the way of religious, racial and national prejudice. The most important thing of all to me about this whole work is that if we can reach a common denominator of understanding, and experiencing a common myth, we will also break down the limitations of the basis upon which common religious experiences rest." [Theodore Roszak Interview by James Elliott, 1956, p. 32]

